To add a heading:

  1. Open the page editor by clicking the Main Content button.
  2. Scroll to where you want to add the header.
  3. Place the cursor where you want to begin typing the header and type out what you want the header to say.
  4. Highlight the entire heading you just typed.
  5. In the toolbar, select the font format drop down menu titled "Paragraph"
  6. In this dropdown, you can choose Headings 1-6. (See the bottom of this article for how to properly nest headings)
  7. The heading format of your choice will be applied to the text you have highlighted. 
*NOTE: Headings use block-level formatting, so if you have used SHIFT+ENTER to drop to the line below, the header format will apply to that line as well. To fix this, erase the SHIFT+ENTER and use regular ENTER to separate the elements.

To edit a pre-existing heading:

  1. Open the page editor by clicking the Main Content button.
  2. Scroll to find the header you wish to edit.
  3. Highlight the header.
  4. In the toolbar, select the font format drop down menu titled "Paragraph"
  5. In this dropdown, you can choose Headings 1-6. (See the bottom of this article for how to properly nest headings)
  6. The heading format of your choice will be applied to the text you have highlighted. 
*NOTE: Headings use block-level formatting, so if you have used SHIFT+ENTER to drop to the line below, the header format will apply to that line as well. To fix this, erase the SHIFT+ENTER and use regular ENTER to separate the elements.

How to properly nest headers

  • Heading 1 should only be applied to the page title and only appears once on the page. OU Campus applies this formatting automatically.
  • The highest level sub-sections of a page should be labeled with a Heading 2
  • The highest level sub-sections of Heading 2 should be Heading 3, and so on, down to Heading 6.
  • Properly nesting headers is important because it helps users who utilize screen readers to interact with web pages to quickly and easily navigate your page's content. Headers nested out of order cause the page to be confusing and hard to navigate for individuals who use assistive devices. 
Example of a properly nested page:

PAGE TITLE (Heading 1)

Danish pastry jujubes cheesecake sesame snaps donut tootsie roll. Fruitcake marshmallow donut chocolate bar cotton candy biscuit toffee tiramisu.

SUBSECTION 1 (Heading 2)

Soufflé carrot cake jujubes marshmallow chocolate bar tootsie roll. Soufflé tart soufflé pastry brownie fruitcake. Sugar plum oat cake chupa chups sugar plum pudding gummies dessert. Halvah chocolate cake carrot cake dragée bear claw cotton candy cupcake jelly sesame snaps. Dessert brownie tiramisu. Wafer halvah halvah lollipop chocolate sweet roll jelly beans. Lollipop apple pie liquorice caramels. Lollipop chocolate cake tart sweet roll chocolate cake. Jelly beans cake sesame snaps cake muffin fruitcake chocolate cake halvah.

Section 1 of Subsection 1 (Heading 3)

Dessert candy canes tart cookie lemon drops. Cheesecake oat cake jujubes. Cake cake brownie sweet roll cake cheesecake gummi bears sweet roll powder. Jelly jelly danish. Candy cookie brownie sweet sesame. 

Section 2 of Subsection 1 (Heading 3)

Dessert candy canes tart cookie lemon drops. Cheesecake oat cake jujubes. Cake cake brownie sweet roll cake cheesecake gummi bears sweet roll powder. Jelly jelly danish. Candy cookie brownie sweet sesame. 

SUBSECTION 2 (Heading 2)

Soufflé carrot cake jujubes marshmallow chocolate bar tootsie roll. Soufflé tart soufflé pastry brownie fruitcake. Sugar plum oat cake chupa chups sugar plum pudding gummies dessert. Halvah chocolate cake carrot cake dragée bear claw cotton candy cupcake jelly sesame snaps. Dessert brownie tiramisu. Wafer halvah halvah lollipop chocolate sweet roll jelly beans. Lollipop apple pie liquorice caramels. Lollipop chocolate cake tart sweet roll chocolate cake. Jelly beans cake sesame snaps cake muffin fruitcake chocolate cake halvah.

Section 1 of Subsection 2 (Heading 3)

Dessert candy canes tart cookie lemon drops. Cheesecake oat cake jujubes. Cake cake brownie sweet roll cake cheesecake gummi bears sweet roll powder. Jelly jelly danish. Candy cookie brownie sweet sesame. 

Section 2 of Subsection 2 (Heading 3)

Dessert candy canes tart cookie lemon drops. Cheesecake oat cake jujubes. Cake cake brownie sweet roll cake cheesecake gummi bears sweet roll powder. Jelly jelly danish. Candy cookie brownie sweet sesame. 

Section 1 of Section 2 of Subsection 2 (Heading 4)

Dessert candy canes tart cookie lemon drops. Cheesecake oat cake jujubes. Cake cake brownie sweet roll cake cheesecake gummi bears sweet roll powder. Jelly jelly danish. Candy cookie brownie sweet sesame.