Part 1: Uploading the document

  1. In OU Campus, navigate to your site's main folder. (Click on "Pages" in the top-left corner)
  2. Select the "docs" folder and open it
  3. Click "Upload"
  4. Click "Add" or drag the document from your desktop into the upload window (you can add multiple files at one time)
  5. If you clicked "Add", navigate to the file inside the upload window and select the file
  6. Make sure the file name is accepted by OU Campus > if its not, the file name will be red. File names in OU Campus cannot contain spaces or wildcard characters (&,%,(), etc.). To fix, click "rename" and remove the unaccepted characters. Example acceptable file name: "your-file.pdf"  
  7. Click "Start Upload"
  8. Find the newly uploaded document in your docs folder in OU Campus, hover over it, click the Publish menu, and select "Publish".
Part 2: Linking to the document from a webpage

  1. In OU Campus, navigate to the page where you want to add the document
  2. Open the editor by clicking "Main Content"
  3. Find the are on the page you want to add the document link and place your cursor there
  4. Type the link text you want users to see
  5. Highlight the link text
  6. Select the "Insert/Edit Hyperlink" button on your toolbar
  7. In the URL bar of the window, select the Browse button (looks like a folder with a magnifying glass)
  8. Select the "docs" folder
  9. Select the document you want to link
  10. Click "Insert"
  11. OPTIONAL - to make this link a button, select the "Class" drop down menu on the Insert Link window, scroll through the options and select "Button Link (HOLLY BACKGROUND)"
  12. Click Okay

  • Use PDFs whenever possible because they offer the widest compatibility across devices.
  • Make an effort for your documents to be accessible for individuals who use assistive devices like screen readers for web browsing. Learn more about making accessible documents. ATU now has a campus-wide license for Adobe Acrobat so you can use that software to create and check your PDFs for accessibility. 
  • OU Campus does have a file size limit. If you want to upload a document that exceeds the file size limit, please submit a ticket