Using your own photos

  1. Make sure your photo has been reduced to web resolution (72 PPI [pixels per inch]) and compressed to a smaller file size. Compressor.oi is a great site for compressing photos. Please do not skip this step, this is the best thing we can do to increase site load speed, which in turn helps our SEO. 
  2. Open your website's main folder in OU Campus
  3. Click on the "images" folder
  4. Click "Upload"
  5. Drag your image file(s) from your desktop to the upload window, or select them via the "Add" button
    1. Make sure the file name is accepted by OU Campus > if its not, the file name will be red. File names in OU Campus cannot contain spaces or wildcard characters (&,%,(), etc.). To fix, click "rename" and remove the unaccepted characters. Example acceptable file name: "your-file.jpg"  
    2. OU Campus will accept the image files types of .jpg and .png
  6. Click "Start Upload"
  7. Select the newly uploaded file(s) in your images folder and click "Publish"
  8. Open the webpage you want to add the photo to
  9. Put your cursor where you want the photo to go
  10. Click "Insert/Edit Image" on the toolbar, or right-click and select "Insert/Edit Image"
  11. Click the Browse button on the right side of the Source bar (looks like a folder and magnifying glass)
  12. Click on "images"
  13. Click on the photo you want to use
  14. Click on "Insert"
  15. Give your photo a description. Be sure to accurately describe the content of the photo, this is what a screen-reader will read to users utilizing assistive devices to browse the web. Example: "Two students walk toward Ross Pendergraft library on a spring day" is an accurate description. 
  16. Edit the dimensions of the photo - this controls the size of the image on the page
  17. Click OK

Using photos from the ATU Photographic Services Database, Zenfolio

  1. Go to 
  2. Browse the photo archive to find photos you wish to include on your site
  3. When you find the photos, submit the Photos for Website request form
    1. Your request will be processed by a member of the ATU Web Team, the photos will be pulled from the archive, compressed for web use, and placed into your website's images folder. Once this process has been completed, move on to Step 4.
  4. Open the webpage you want to add the photo to
  5. Put your cursor where you want the photo to go
  6. Click "Insert/Edit Image" on the toolbar, or right-click and select "Insert/Edit Image"
  7. Click the Browse button on the right side of the Source bar (looks like a folder and magnifying glass)
  8. Click on "images"
  9. Click on the photo you want to use
  10. Click on "Insert"
  11. Give your photo a description. Be sure to accurately describe the content of the photo, this is what a screen-reader will read to users utilizing assistive devices to browse the web. Example: "Two students walk toward Ross Pendergraft library on a spring day" is an accurate description. 
  12. Edit the dimensions of the photo - this controls the size of the image on the page
  13. Click OK

  • Please do not use images found via Google or other online sources unless you have permission to use those images. 
  • Please do not use stock photography to represent students, faculty, or staff. The ATU Web Team can work with you to find photos to represent your vision within the ATU Photographic Services Database.